8 Tricks to Reduce Frizzy Hair

8 Tricks to Reduce Frizzy Hair

1.  Always rinse your hair with cool water after you condition. The cooler the water, the better. This will help seal the cuticle and give your hair a beautiful shine. 2.  When towel drying your hair, never rub your hair in the towel. Always wrap your hair and squeeze...
How to Stop a Zit

How to Stop a Zit

Don’t you hate when you can feel that a zit is about to pop up on your face? Or do you want to know how to get rid of one once it has rised? Read below to find out how to stop a zit. When you feel a pimple coming: Use a heat device like Zeno Hot Spot.  It will...

How To Dry Your Nails Quickly

I paint my nails all the time, and I find it hard to sit still so I always ding and ruin my manicure.  I found a quick way to help the nail polish dry quickly.  All you need is a bowl and cold water. Get a bowl that is big enough to fit both of your hands and fill it...

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