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I always seem to have so many bottles of hairspray laying around because I’m always trying out new ones.  Here are some other great uses for hairspray.

Preserve your flowers with hair spray.  Fresh cut flowers are such a beautiful thing.  To preserve flowers stand about 30 centimeters away from them and spray quickly just on the undersides of the leaves and petals.

Remove pen ink from your clothes.  Don’t you hate when you get pen on your favorite pair of jeans?  Remove pen ink from your clothes by spraying hairspray on the ink spot and then washing them as usual.  It has come out every time for me!

Reduce runs in pantyhose.  Spray hairspray on your pantyhose to stifen and strength the fibers to make them last longer and prevent ladders.  Make sure to spray them while you are not wearing them, or you will be very sticky.

Preserve your shoes shine with hairspray.  After you’ve polished your shoes to give them the just-bought look, lightly spray them with hairspray. The shoe polish won’t rub off as easily with this protective coating.

Keep your curtains looking fresh with hairspray.  Did you just buy new curtains or have your old ones cleaned? Want to keep that like-new look for a while? The trick is to apply several coats of hairspray, letting each coat dry thoroughly before the next one.

Newspaper enhancement.  Turn newspaper into elegant wrapping paper by spraying it with hairspray.  The newsprint will harden and look more vibrant. It will bring a nice classic touch to your wrapped presents.

Insect Killer.  Have a fly, or bee buzzing around your house.  Spray it with hairspray and it will make the wings stick.  It will either die by itself, or you can kill it since it will be stuck there. 


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