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seche vite top coatI paint my nails every few days.  I have used a lot of different top coats and the Seche Vite Top Coat is my favorite one of all.  It is a little more expensive than a drug store brand but I think it is worth it.

The Seche Vite Top Coat drys faster than any other top coat I have used.  I find I rarely ever smudge my nails after painting them when using this top coat.  Learn how to make your nail polish dry quickly here.  The Seche Vite Top Coat leaves my nails looking very glossy and professional.

I do put a lot of wear and tear to my nails.  My polish is usually chipping my the end of the day.  I didn’t see a difference in using the Seche Vite Top Coat.  However I still prefer it because of how quickly it dries and the high-gloss shine it leaves. 

The Seche Vite Top Coat has a very strong smell to it and that lead me to think it must have something toxic in it.  I searched on the internet and found some articles about it containing “Toulene” and how that chemical is toxic.  I contacted Seche myself personally and I was given this answer from them:

“Please note that when used as intended and directed Seche is completely safe. Our product contains Toluene.   Repeatedly breathing toluene through deliberately “sniffing” or “huffing” can cause permanent brain damage, or depression. Repeated deliberate exposure to toluene in pregnant women may increase the risk of damage to the fetus.

California Prop 65 requires us to label all potentially hazardous products as such. California is the only state which requires this notification”

So whether you feel comfortable using the Seche Vtie Top Coat is up to you.  Personally, after reading that I would not use it during pregnancy.

Overall Seche Vite Top Coat is my favorite top coat to put over my nail polish.  What is your favorite top coat of nail polish?



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