I reside in Vancouver, BC and over the past week and a half there has been 3 recorded earthquakes along the BC coast. The biggest one was rated at 7.7 in Haida Gwaii. The earthquakes were all fairly far from me and I didn’t feel any of them but we have always been warned about the “Big One” that is suppose to happen sometime in the future.
I feel like I should probably be more prepared for earthquakes as I do live right near a fault line. Here is a list of things to have ready so you are prepared for a earthquake.
- Cash (coins and paper money)
- Flashlight
- Portable radio
- Spare batteries
- Food that is easy to prepare and snacks
- Can opener
- Dinnerware (plates, utensils, cups)
- 3-5 day supply of water (1 gallon of water per person per day)
- Map of the area
- Out of area emergency contact number
- Medications
- First aid kit
- Duct tape and a dust mask
- Paper and pens
- Personal hygiene items
- Pocket or swiss army knife
- Rope
- Spare clothing, rain gear
- Silver foil blankets
- Spare glasses if you wear them
- Waterproof matches
- Whistle
- Flares
- Work gloves
- Games or cards
- Candles (tea lights are good)
- Copies of your important documents such as insurance, mortgage papers and passports