China Glaze Coral Star Review

China Glaze Coral Star Review

China Glaze Coral Star #70346 is a beautiful shimmery coral colour.  The polish has a more orange than pink tint to it.  The polish has a beautiful pearl shimmer to it and is perfect for spring and summer.  China Glaze Coral Star looks best with two coats applied.  It...
Beauty Secrets Ridge Filler Review

Beauty Secrets Ridge Filler Review

I purchased the Beauty Secrets Ridge Filler because I ran out of my usual OPI Ridge Filler.  I was hoping to have discovered a great find because it was under $3 and the OPI one runs around $10.  However, I was not impressed with the Beauty Secrets Ridge Filler and...

How To Dry Your Nails Quickly

I paint my nails all the time, and I find it hard to sit still so I always ding and ruin my manicure.  I found a quick way to help the nail polish dry quickly.  All you need is a bowl and cold water. Get a bowl that is big enough to fit both of your hands and fill it...

Makeup Expiry Dates

Like the food in your fridge, makeup also expires.  Products that are past their use dates can change colour and texture.  There are also health risks when bacteria builds up which can increase your chances of eye infections and skin rashes. Throwing out your expired...

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