Ten Ways to Save Money on Christmas Dinner

Ten Ways to Save Money on Christmas Dinner

Are you hosting Christmas dinner this year with a bunch of people that you only see once a year? Are you trying to figure out how you are going to feed everyone and buy them gifts too? The holidays are a very expensive time of the year, but it doesn’t have to be if you budget yourself. You can make a fantastic Christmas dinner for you and your family without breaking the bank if you follow these simple steps.

My Tips for Storing Leftovers

My Tips for Storing Leftovers

When you are working with a budget, saving on food costs is paramount.  One way to lower the cost of your grocery bill is to utilize leftovers from your meals.  Keep reading this blog post to find some useful tips for storing leftovers properly. Have you ever heard...
How to Cut Holiday Baking Costs

How to Cut Holiday Baking Costs

The holidays are a time where most people have a hard time staying within their budget.  You are buying gifts, attending parties, hosting dinners and baking all those delicious holiday treats. Often times we end up having to cut down on our baking in order to manage...

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