Workout While at The Office

Staying active throughout the day is just as important as your regular workouts.  It can be hard to keep yourself active while sitting at a desk all day. Well here is some good news, new software available that will help you stay active throughout your busy day. The...
Running Training Week 3

Running Training Week 3

If you have been following I’m Loving This than you know that I have started to run.  You can read my first blog post about how I started running here.  I am now onto week three and am still going strong. This week I basically ran every other day.  I ran four...
Running Training Week 3

Running Training Week 2

If you have been following than you know that I have started to run.  You can read my first blog post about how I started running here.  I am now onto week two and am still going strong. I believe this week I took two days off out of the seven days and actually felt...
Running Training Week 3

Starting to Run

I’ve never been one to exercise but I wanted to start running for several reasons.  A few reasons I wanted to start running are: To improve my health – I just want be healthy, and also lessen my chances of diseases and illnesses in the future.  I also have...
Benefits of Jump Rope

Benefits of Jump Rope

I just purchased a jump rope because I enjoyed it when I was younger and thought it would be a fun way to get some exercise.  I’m not sure my landlord will like the sound of it on my hardwood floors, but we will see what happens with that.  Did you know that...

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