Review of Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Skin Therapy Cleansing Oil Face
I’ve been using Palmer’s Cocoa Butter since my early teen years. I apply it all over my body at least once per day, it’s my favourite moisturizer. Over the years Palmers’ has come out with several other body care products and everyone that I’ve tried I’ve liked.
Palmers recently came out with a cleansing oil for the face. I’ve never used a cleansing oil before this because they just seem like more work than a regular cleanser. I decided to give the Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Skin Therapy Cleansing Oil a go and was pleasantly surprised.

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Review
I’ve been using Palmer’s Cocoa Butter for at least 15 years, my Aunt first introduced it to me and I’ve been using it daily ever since.
The Palmer’s product I’ve been using for years is their Cocoa Butter Formula Lotion. They’ve come out with several other products over the years and I’ve tried a few of them. I was recently contacted and asked if I wanted to try some of their products for dry winter skin. I jumped at the chance since I’ve been a fan for half of my life.