How to Cheat the Salad Bar

How to Cheat the Salad Bar

If you ever eat at a salad bar then you know how fast your salad can add up to at least $10 every time.  The reason it costs so much is because they charge by the pound.  Here are three ways you can fork over less cash for your greens. 1.  Fill your bowl with stuff...

Workout While at The Office

Staying active throughout the day is just as important as your regular workouts.  It can be hard to keep yourself active while sitting at a desk all day. Well here is some good news, new software available that will help you stay active throughout your busy day. The...
5 Tips for Gifting a Pet

5 Tips for Gifting a Pet

Are you thinking of buying a pet for your significant other, friend, child, family member this holiday season?  Owning a pet is a huge commitment, here are some things to consider before giving a pet to someone for a present. Make sure the person you are gifting this...
Earthquake Preparedness

Earthquake Preparedness

I reside in Vancouver, BC and over the past week and a half there has been 3 recorded earthquakes along the BC coast.  The biggest one was rated at 7.7 in Haida Gwaii.  The earthquakes were all fairly far from me and I didn’t feel any of them but we have always...
How to Break in New Sandals

How to Break in New Sandals

I always buy a new pair or two of sandals every summer and always have to break them in first.  I will go a few days having sore feet while wearing them.  I learned an easy trick to help break in your new summer sandals. All you need is sandals, a bucket large enough...

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